MCM’s implementation of automation technology throughout our plant allows us to reduce labor costs while maintaining precision, cycle time, and increased efficiency to ensure our customer’s finshed goods are of the highest quality everytime.
Robotic Part Handling
Robotic part handling involves putting parts through an assembly process and transferring, feeding, or removing parts from machines.
MCM utilizes robots to improve cycle time, quality, and reliability while eliminating employees from potential risks. Robotic part handling helps handle a large mix of products and customers’ high throughput demands.
Robotic technologies are increasing maximum precision and production during the manufacturing process.
Insert Molding
Insert molding is an alternative to many standard assembly processes. Insert molding integrates cutting-edge equipment to create innovative, complex products through the process of molding or forming plastic parts around other non-plastic parts or inserts. The inserted component is often a metal object; however, non-metal materials can also be used.
Insert molding can improve part structure and strength, reduce the size and strength needed, increase the reliability of the process, and reduce the cost of assembly.